The phone number to call in an emergency is 000
Emergencies will be dealt with by the doctor immediately.  Please inform the receptionist of your urgent need and provide as much information an possible.  Many emergencies cannot be dealt with fully in the home or surgery, and the doctor may advise you to go to the nearest hospital.  The doctor or receptionist will give you assistance to arrange appropriate transport as necessary e.g. organise an ambulance.

The surgery works on an appointment system. To make an appointment, telephone or call in to the surgery. Every attempt is made to accommodate you at a convenient time with the doctor of your choice, and in the case of sudden illness, as soon a possible.  If multiple family members wish to see the doctor, please ensure that a separate appointment is made for each person. If a longer or more complex appointment is required, please indicate when booking so that we can allocate more time.  We encourage patients to telephone prior to their appointment to see if the doctor is on time.

If a patient is too sick to attend the surgery, arrangements can be made for a home visit by speaking to the receptionist. If your treating doctor is unable to attend we will organise a locum doctor from WADMS to do a home visit.

Requests to speak to your doctor will be screened by the receptionist and urgent matters will be dealt with immediately.  Non-urgent calls will be returned by the doctor between consultations, or at the end of the session.  The avoids unnecessary interruptions during consultations.

All test results and reports are reviewed by your doctor and we recommend that you make a follow up appointment to discuss the outcome of test results.  If results are urgent you will be contacted by your doctor or nurse.

Our practice is committed to preventative health care. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you Preventative Health Care Assessments appropriate to your care.  A computerised recall service also is available to remind patients when they are due for repeat pap smears, mammograms, immunisations and follow-up test results. Please feel free to enquire about this service at any time.

For patients who do not speak English, we encourage the use of an interpreter during consultations and this can be arranged with TIS – a free translating and interpreting service.  A minimum of 2 weeks is needed for booking an appointment with the interpreter.
An interpreting service is also available for patients who are deaf or hearing impaired and use sign language (AUSLAN).

As a general rule it is in your best interest to see the doctor if you require ongoing prescriptions or re-referral letters to specialists.  However, the doctor’s accept requests for continuing medication and referrals.  New referrals and prescriptions for medication your doctor has not previously ordered will not be given without a consultation. A $10 non-rebateable fee applies for repeat prescriptions, and 24 hours notice is required.

No medical certificates will be backdated.  It is illegal to do so.  Please consult the doctor at the beginning of your illness so that the appropriate treatment and certification may be provided.

Your medical record is a confidential document, and this practice has a written policy in place to maintain privacy and security of personal health information at all times. This practice will not disclose your personal health information to a third party unless you have consented to this disclosure, or this disclosure is necessary because you are at risk of harm without treatment, and you are unable to give consent.

Your comments on our medical services are always welcome.  If you experience any problems, please speak or write to your doctor, or the Practice Managers Sarah Hovell and Charmaine Roydhouse.  As our doctors are all members of the Australian Medical Association, they adhere to the A.M.A. Code of Ethics.  If you feel a breach of this code has occurred or you wish to make a complaint to an external body, the health complaint resolution organisation in Western Australia is The Office of Health Review telephone 1800 813 583 or (08) 9323 0600, Their website is www.healthreview.wa.gov.au